We Build the Structures and Infrastructure

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Our Services

NPDES Permitting

NPDES (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) Permitting is a crucial aspect of environmental compliance for many businesses and organizations in the USA. At Reign Source, we offer a comprehensive range of services to ensure that your organization remains compliant with NPDES regulations.

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Development

A well-designed SWPPP is essential to prevent pollution from stormwater runoff. Reign Source specializes in the development of customized SWPPPs tailored to your specific needs and location.

Field Inspections (Weekly, Pre, During, and Post Storm)

Our expert team conducts comprehensive field inspections at various stages to assess the effectiveness of your stormwater management measures. This includes weekly, pre-storm, during-storm, and post-storm inspections to identify and address any issues promptly.

Rain Event Action Plan (REAP) Inspection

We help you create and implement Rain Event Action Plans (REAP) to manage stormwater during intense rain events. Our inspections ensure that your REAP is executed effectively.

Stormwater Sampling

Accurate stormwater sampling is vital for compliance. Reign Source offers professional stormwater sampling services to meet regulatory requirements.

Ad Hoc Reporting

We provide ad hoc reporting services to keep you informed of any irregularities in your stormwater management system. Our reports help you take timely corrective actions.

Annual Reporting

Reign Source assists you in preparing and submitting annual reports to the appropriate regulatory agencies, ensuring compliance with NPDES requirements.

Changes of Information (COIs)

We handle Changes of Information (COIs) efficiently, helping you update your permits as necessary and maintain compliance.

Notice of Termination (NOTs)

If your operations are ending, Reign Source can help you complete and submit Notice of Termination (NOTs) to close out your NPDES permits properly.

BMP Wall Maps

We offer BMP (Best Management Practices) wall maps to visually represent your stormwater management measures, making it easier to understand and comply with regulations.

Coordination and Response to Agencies

Reign Source will liaise with regulatory agencies on your behalf and respond to their inquiries, ensuring a smooth and compliant permitting process.

Weather Monitoring

Accurate weather monitoring is integral to effective stormwater management. We provide advanced weather monitoring services to enhance your environmental compliance efforts.


Reign Source offers comprehensive training programs to educate your team on NPDES requirements, SWPPP implementation, and AQMD compliance, ensuring your organization is well-prepared for environmental challenges.

Our Services

AQMD Permitting

AQMD (Air Quality Management District) Permitting is essential to maintain air quality standards in your region. Reign Source offers expertise in AQMD permitting services.

Notice of Large Operation (NOLO) Filing

We handle the filing of Notice of Large Operation (NOLO) applications, helping you obtain or renew AQMD permits for your operations.

Notice of Large Operation Renewals

Reign Source ensures timely renewal of your Notice of Large Operation (NOLO) permits to avoid any disruptions in your operations.

Notice of Completion (NOC)

When your operations are completed, we assist in filing the Notice of Completion (NOC) to maintain compliance with AQMD regulations.